Moya is a Leviathan, a race of living space ships. They certainly don’t look organic, but Moya is curvaceous and sleek and behind the hull are numerous veins and hull tissues. Leviathans are capable of faster than light travel (it’s only defensive manoeuvre) and also capable of supporting life for it’s crewmembers. Because of it's power and speed, the Peacekeepers were keen to modify Leviathans for battle and breeding. They developed huge ‘collars’ and a number of other control devises and instigated a breeding programme (for which Moya was to be the prototype). The Leviathans can fly themselves but need a Pilot to navigate, and man the control systems. There is a race of beings that are exactly suited for this and are ready and willing to be surgically implanted (permanently) since it is the only way they can achieve space travel). Both Pilot and Moya are sentient and individual. Pilot cares deeply for Moya, and this is foremost where his loyalties lie.
The Peacekeeper experiment to breed a Leviathan was successful in that Moya gave birth to a little Leviathan. The young ship (called Talyn) developed an affinity with Aeryn (presumably because she was a Peacekeeper) and has a number of very powerful weapons.
Questions and answers about Moya
it exists real spaceships like Moya in outer space ?
A: The Farscape Series is a science fiction which doesn't reflect exactly the true situation in our galaxy. Some elements in the series can have been inspired by real space people. By asking real space people by telepathic channeling, we got this answers. Living spaceships that function in a similar manner as Moya does exists in space. This ships does not look like Moya and they are not depended on a pilot to operate. Often this types of ships operates on higher dimensions who are invisible seen from our dimension. This ships can be contacted by telepathic communication methods (Try Steven Greers CE5 protocol).
Q: Can Moya be constructed for real ?
A: With the present science on Earth a spaceship like Moya can't be built her. Some other civilizations in our galaxy has technology and spiritual knowledge who is advanced enough to actually build Moya with the form and functions as described in Farscape. Some aliens thinks that the design and concept of Moya looks interesting and are not unwilling to actually build her. A race that looks exactly like Pilot doesn't exists in our galaxy. Such a race must therefore be created if one shall use the Farscape concept. To create the Pilot race would be more difficult than constructing Moya herself. One must obey specific spiritual rules if a new living race shall be created. A real Moya would probably be different in some way from the Farscape version. A real Moya would probably be much bigger than the Farscape version, Probably more than 10 Km long. A real Moya would not have been depended on Pilot to operate all of her systems. You would be able to communicate with her directly by telepathy. The pilot main function would have been navigation only. A real Moya would have a powerful repulsive screen (power field) and a cloaking screen (technology who would made her invisible if she like). The food for the crew would have been produced by herself and she would have the possibility to teleport the crew directly to example a planet surface and back ( like the beaming in Star Trek). A real Moya would also have interdimensional traveling capacity. To get more informations about real spacepeople and UFOs go to
Q: Has living spaceships who can be compared to Moya ever visited Earth and seen as a type of UFO.
A: Yes they have and they still do. Some of this spaceships are with a crew inside it and other are totaly independent life forms without a crew of other species inside of it. Mostly this spaceships are invisible because they are vibrating on higher dimensionary frequencies. It has happened that this type of spacecraft has entered our dimension. In this cases they have mostly been seen in South America. A person named Carlos Diaz who lives in Tepetzlan, Mexico. Have established contact with a Moya type spacecraft in 1994 who have visited him from time to time. He has taken several pictures and videos of this spacecraft. 3 pictures of this spacecraft are shown below. This spacecraft is a highly advanced living ship with a crew of other species inside of it. In many ways can it be compared to Moya.
Q: Does it exist DRDs in real living ships ?
A: It exist units in some spaceships who can be compared to DRDs but they looks different and have much more tasks than the DRDs in Moya. This units can be a part of ordinary constructed spaceships and living spaceships. They can usually fly and teleport and they can leave their mothership and act independently. They are usually globe shaped or soucershaped with a diameter at approximately 1 to 1,5 Meter. Usually this types of units is called telemeter discs. Some types of this units are totally living creatures that can reproduce. In Mexico formations of hundreds of this objects has been seen and filmed.
pictures shows telemeter units built on living vessel technology. This vessels
can reproduce. The function of this spheres is to link back pictures, sounds, thought patterns,
feelings etc to its mother ship who can be orbiting the Earth. This spheres
functions in many fields in a comparable way to the DRDs on Moya. The pictures
was taken by a person who has contacts with aliens. On this
site you can obtain more information about him. You couldn't see the spheres
with your eyes when the pictures was taken, but the camera was able to see them.
This person can communicate with this life forms by telepathy. The real DRDs are
involved in the construction of complex patterns in English Cornfields like this